All Photos: Alan Mercer
Kiplinger's Money Magazine named Eli Davidson's coaching 'The Best Way To Invest’ and made it a cover story. Eli is the "go to expert" for the most elite women in business. As a thought leader she has been featured on The Today Show, NY Times and SELF. CNN features her work in 148 nations and has reached over 11 million people globally.
An award winning writer, her book ‘Funky to Fabulous’ won the 2008National Best Books Award Finalist for "Motivation Self Help". Eli helps educate and inspire people in the law of attraction in a business setting. JC Penny's has sponsored her coaching tips on national television (USA Network).
Some of her recent television appearances inlude The Today Show, Dr. Phil's Decision House, Better TV, Making It!, Southern California Living, and numerous NBC and Fox affiliates.
Her fresh approach has helped her become a contributor to a wide variety of national publications including Better Homes and Garden, Quick and Simple,, Grand, and Me! Magazine. She is a regular commentator in the Los Angeles Business Journal.
She has coached leaders in numerous industries including Emmy, Grammy, and Golden Globe winners. Also a founding team member of Fed Ex Case. She mentored Joan Rand Melissa Rivers on their TV show.
Her cult hit, ‘Funky to Fabulous: Surefire Success Strategies for the Savvy, Sassy and Swamped’ from Oak Grove Publishing was an Award Winning finalist of USA Book News National Book Awards 2007.
Corporations bring Eli back time and time again, as they are loving her approach which "boosts moral" in a matter of minutes. Her hands on techniques are entertaining due to her background as a professional actress. Case studies from clients show that she gets results and is "enlightening,""engaging," and "effective."
Eli Davidson is the one of the hottest female motivational keynote speakers. She's a keynote and seminar speaker, she is a woman speaker. Eli speaks on these themes: empowerment, taking charge of your business and career, and innovation.
AM: What is your main focus these days Eli?
ED: First off I have to say thank you for photos that open doors for me.
AM: Of course, my pleasure.
ED: The book ‘Funky to Fabulous’ won three national book awards. I even beat ‘The Secret’ for one of them. I got on the Today Show, Dr. Phil’s Decision House and CNN in a 134 countries and lots more. What has really happened is I saw motivation could only take people so far. Motivation can be a good idea and then just evaporate without making the kind of change in people’s lives that I’m here to make.
AM: Who is your target audience Eli?
ED: There is a group of people that I call entrepreneurs. These are people who either already have a small business or want to start a small business. I’m on a mission to give people who have that kind of dream the ability to become free of financial burdens and create their own future. So now I’m on a mission to create one million millionaires.
AM: Where does this passion to help others come from?
ED: I got engaged, closed my business, moved to Hawaii and started picking out the Wedding invitations and my fiance woke up one morning and said, I don’t know if I want to be in a relationship with anybody. Why don’t you get on a plane and go back to Here’s your ticket.”
AM: Wow that is so rough!
ED: In February of 2011 I was so heart broken. I was crushed. I was broke and broken hearted. I couldn’t sleep or keep food down. I didn’t have any money. That was such a turning point for me. Motivation was not going to change my life. I had to make some money baby! The interesting thing for me was I gave back the diamond off my finger and I realized I had to find the diamond inside myself.
AM: What do you mean by that?
ED: A diamond is the most condensed form of wealth on the planet. A diamond by weight is the most expensive thing on the planet. It put me on a path to find the diamond inside of me and my small business. I found the Internet was not a path for wealth, but speaking and being with people was. I tried Internet marketing.
AM: The Internet is anti-wealth.
ED: It is anti-wealth! It’s about working a lot to give people free stuff. Spend a lot of time doing things for free to get rich. It doesn’t work. Doing stuff for free is never a way to get rich. I realized I needed to find something of value and communicate that. I gave a 30 minute speech at a conference in front of 130 women and I sold over $100,000 in goods and services. That was in November of 2011. I wondered if that was a fluke but I did it three more times. Then I started teaching other people how to find the diamond, that most condensed form of wealth in their business so they magnetize, monetize and monopolize their diamond, their first class clients.
AM: What is the first step in this process?
ED: Come to our web site and get a strategy session so we can see how we can help you. You will see the form of how to get a strategy session on the site. There are some tests you can take. Here is the first thing you have to do. Sell to the people who can afford to buy and only them. There is another aspect here. Our entire society changed in 2008. Here’s the thing, 68% of all disposable income is in the hands of 24% of the people. So unless you target that 24%, people don’t have any money. It doesn’t have to be people driving a Ferrari. Put your people and your business in the 80/20 test. You need to do a laser target on 20,000 people who make at least $80,000 a year. You have to get it that narrow.
AM: Why that narrow?
ED: When you get that narrow you can stand out. Without that narrow niche, you’re not going to stand out. Unless you’re that focused it’s really likely you are going to be invisible. Guess how many tweets there were on twitter today of last year.
AM: I have no idea, maybe a million.
ED: There were two hundred million tweets on twitter one year ago today. And today there are four hundred million every day. You have to be the ‘go to’ person for your little tribe or there’s no way you will stand out.
AM: So how do I stand out?
ED: The way you stand out is you solve their problems. You are a commodity but if you solve an urgent pervasive and expensive problem, you’re the ‘go to’ expert who people seek out. I’ll give you an example of a nutritionist I worked with.
AM: Good, I need examples to understand this.
ED: A woman came to me who was a nutritionist for pro athletes. This is an expensive problem since they have to be at peak performance. She had three children under the age of five. She wanted to create an on-line video program called ‘Eat Right, Play Right.’ It was directed at student athletes because she had been one. She made all these videos on nutrition, mind set, how to win and how to avoid injury, which is really important, but she couldn’t get anybody to buy it. So she came to me to find her diamond niche. This also means where do those people congregate and how do you make money fast.
AM: So what did you tell her?
ED: The first piece is finding the diamond in the business. What did she deliver that solves a problem that people couldn’t do on their own? We started with the name, 'Eat Right, Play Right,’ people saw it and they knew how to cook a chicken breast. When we really looked at what her program delivered, the diamond in the business was give kids tools to win enough games to win a collage scholarship. Do you see how that is night and day difference?
AM: Yes I do.
ED: Her business went from eat right, play right to increase your childs’ lifetime earning potential. She doubled her rates. The other key component that people need to hear is once you have the diamond now you need a setting. There’s a place where people really value that and that’s what makes it easy to find once you have the diamond. So for her the right place is prep schools. Within two weeks of taking my program she was in talks to speak to an audience that had one thousand prep school parents. This is how fast you can quadruple your income. You can’t be empowered if you’re broke. I see too many broke people and I tasted it myself. I had to eat peanut butter when I came back from Hawaii.
AM: How do you get over the psychological heaviness of that?
ED: First of all I have a book that’s about turn around techniques. I used that but also I think that when we have hard times, we are heard animals so I got therapy and had my girlfriends to help me. I was run over by a Mac truck. Also I invested in my own business and myself.
AM: Is there a difference between men and women with this kind of thing?
ED: That’s a great question! It comes a lot more naturally to men and here’s why, men and women conceive the world very differently. Men have a more focused vision. Think of the thousands of years that men were hunters. Women have diffused awareness. It’s more challenging for women which is why even though women start 59% of the businesses, we only have 4% of the venture capitol. We start more businesses but we don’t know how to build them. It’s hard for women to narrow what they are doing. See while the men focused on hunting we were picking berries. Berry picking and taking care of kids running around is not focused.
To learn more about Eli Davidson visit her web site